Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Example of digital Stories Gone Green

I created this example digital story to help my high school environmental students get an idea of what is expected from them. As you can see I was still unable to embed my story onto this blog. However, I was able to convert it on YouTube and embed it on my wiki. You may view my story @

I had a hard time getting the audio narration to work with slide share so I completed my project using PowerPoint. I actually like working with PowerPoint’s transitions better than slide shares. You will notice I have my signature on multiple slides; this is because I took these pictures myself. I would like my students to take pictures, and videos for their project and incorporate digital images from other sites. I think part of the fun and creative aspect is actually going out and taking your own pictures. Please take a look at my stories and let me know what you think !!!


  1. Jodie,

    Thanks for sharing your storytelling example. I liked that you used audio (I'm assuming your own voice:). I also appreciated the timing between pictures and how you took the time when speaking. Too often, kids cannot follow the lesson because of poor wait time, but you did great there! One issue I had was opening up the links to the resources that you provided. But otherwise, great example!

    1. Hello Cindy,
      What resources wouldn't open up? I will check them out and see what happened.

  2. Jodie,
    Thank you for sharing you digital storytelling project. I really enjoyed how you recorded your voice in your project, I have thought about going back to mine and adding little features like that to mine to help my auditory students. I also enjoyed that your wait time given at the beginning of the presentation when asking them if they saw any environmental concerns. My only issues were not being able to open the video into a full screen, this may be something on my end but I think because of the great pictures and diagram would be easier to see in a full screen mode. Thank you again for sharing your example!!

    ~Megan B

  3. Hi Jodie,

    Good job, the presentation was great, but I think that the text in the last slides were too much. It is possible to add additional slides or add video link of YouTube to explain the lesson more.
    Thank you for sharing.


  4. Hi Jodie,

    Thanks for sharing your presentation with us. I can see it as a presentation that you could definitely use in your classroom with your students. As a fellow secondary teacher, I feel the content of your video was appropriately informative. The images and audio helped make the video a mini-lesson as an alternative to classroom lecture. I do agree with Muneer that there was too much information on some of the slides, and I have personally noticed that students tend to tune out when they see all of that information. However, I do believe that you would probably provide students with the supplemental information during class. Great job!

